Previously published on October 14, 2021
Kudos to Deb Padomek (Assistant Principal | East High School)
Deb Padomek, Assistant Principal @ East High
“Deb is an incredible leader and a positive role model at East High School. She ensures the needs of students are met and always considers the best interest of teachers, staff, and students. She does an incredible job listening to any concerns students have and addresses any challenges that come up. Her dedication and hard work ensure that students at East High succeed, and it’s much appreciated. Thank you for everything you do!“
-Renee Heath
Kudos to Dave Dreessen (Assistant Principal | East High School)
“Mr. Dreessen is a great principal! His door is always open if staff need any help. Even when the school day is hectic, he is always willing to stop and help. Mr. Dreessen sets high expectations for his students and educators. He is truly a difference-maker. Dave is also a trustworthy mentor who leads with integrity, compassion, and purpose. We are forever grateful for the impact he has on East High. We are so lucky to have him!”
-Two Grateful Colleagues