Fun Facts

20 schools in the Sioux City Community School District, plus our Career Academy

Over 14,000 students attend Sioux City Community Schools

More than 13,000 healthy, cooked from scratch meals are served daily

The District employs more than 2,500 staff
The academic curriculum is based on District and Iowa Core standards to ensure all students, kindergarten through twelfth grade, meet or exceed expected learning outcomes at every grade level. By following these standards, the District ensures our students develop the critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills needed to be successful now and in the future.
No matter what learning supports a student may need, the Sioux City Community School District fulfills the learning needs of all students. Enhanced learning supports are available for English language learners, students with special needs, and talented and gifted students.
Student Activities
Beyond the classroom, students are given opportunities to excel in activities that enhance the educational experience and strengthen social connections among students. Visit each school’s website to view a list of activities and athletics students participate in.
The District has invested in technology to enhance the student learning experience. Elementary students use iPads, computers, and a host of technology devices throughout the day to experience enhanced learning. Then, in middle school and high school, each student is given a personal laptop to use for school purposes.
Sioux City Community School District students experience state-of-the-art learning in new or newly renovated, modern facilities. Currently, the District boasts ten new elementary schools and four additional elementary schools updated with improved learning comforts. With renovated secondary schools already in existence, the District continues to maximize learning opportunities through additional unique facilities.
High school students enrolled in 13 surrounding districts have access to modern industry-relevant facilities through the Sioux City Career Academy. The 75,000 square Educational Service Center main campus is the home to a large majority of hands-on classes such as education, nursing, and graphic design, while Harry Hopkins Campus provides technical classes such as auto body, auto tech, and welding.
In 2023, the District will unveil a new learning space adjacent to the Sioux City Career Academy's main campus as well as a new trades facility adjacent to the Harry Hopkins campus.
These facilities are an investment in our student’s futures.