Director of Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment
Send Ms. Amy Denney a Message

Focused on Higher Levels of Student Achievement
The Sioux City Community School District offers strong academic programs designed to ensure high levels of achievement in the essential skills, knowledge, and dispositions of a college and career-ready graduate. The Sioux City Community School District is focused on higher levels of student achievement through a continuous improvement process that uses leadership at all levels of the organization to deliver:
High-quality professional development including the use of collaboration to focus on the implementation of differentiated instruction and the Iowa Core throughout the district.
A consistent focus on instructional methodology as a means of bringing about heightened student achievement. Instructional strategies will be strengthened through high-quality professional development and instructional coaching to implement effective teaching practices in the classroom with integrity and fidelity.
The design and implementation of common formative and summative assessments district-wide to measure the success of our students as they are assessed on what they know, understand, and are able to do related to the content and skills in each subject area.
Use of data to drive all decisions related to the engagement of student academic progress including, but not limited to, data gathered through common formative and summative assessments, the Iowa Assessments, other classroom-based assessments, and the use of technology in the classroom.

Amy Denney
Additional Department Contacts
Katie Benson
Administrative Assistant to Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment
712-279-6822 ext. 6822
Send Katie a Message