A Historical and Sociological Understanding of the World
In today’s economy and world, it is more important than ever for students to learn about the vast array of people and cultures that make up the global community.
Social studies help students understand the responsibilities that citizens—including themselves—have in their communities. By studying world populations from both a historical and sociological perspective, students will gain a better understanding of themselves and how they fit into the greater world.
The Social Studies standards for grades 6-12 illustrate what your child will learn by the end of each grade, as directed by the Iowa Core, our statewide academic standards. The Social Studies Iowa Core standards focus on key concepts in geography, history, government, contemporary global issues, behavioral science, economics, and financial literacy.
In middle school, there is a greater focus on civic responsibility, contemporary global issues, geography, history, and culture in global regions.
In high school, students take required courses, which are broken down into six different content areas. Students study behavioral sciences, civics and government, economics and financial literacy, geography, U.S. history, and world history.