Introducing SCCSD
Each day, we work to carry out the mission of the Sioux City Community School District. As employees of the District, we all have a role in helping families, and community members create connections with our schools. Consistent branding practices for the District and schools further these connections by using visual elements to create positive, memorable impressions.
Therefore, all members of the Sioux City Community School District should be familiar with the brand guidelines and adhere to the best practices outlined in the Brand Guide.
SCCSD Brand Guide
The District Brand Guide provides direction on how to represent both the District and the schools in a clear, consistent manner. When the District brand and the school brands are collaboratively represented in accordance with the brand guidelines, the brand recall will be stronger. Within the guide, you will find directions on how to use consistent messaging across a range of communication materials, using official logos, brand-appropriate colors, and value-centered language. One element of the brand guide outlines the required email signature that must be used by all employees. View the email signature requirements and access directions to set up your email signature as the first step in adhering to the District brand guidelines.
For District logo requests, please send us a message
Thank you for being part of our journey to make a positive, lasting impression on students, families, and the community.