Remember, the safest route isn’t always the shortest.
In order to ensure the safety of our students, we have developed suggested safe routes for walkers and bikers at all grade levels. Suggested route maps recommend school walking/biking routes based on considerations of traffic patterns, existing traffic controls, and other crossing protection aids such as school patrols.
These route plans are readily available for all parents to discuss with their students. To begin, choose a school below and view the recommended walking/biking path.
Suggested Elementary Walking/Biking Routes
Suggested Secondary Walking/Biking Routes
In addition, we have also developed suggested driving routes for ESC Career Academy students. We recommend participating students utilize provided busing transportation to the downtown location. For those with permission to drive their own vehicles, please follow the safe routes outlined in the maps below.
ESC Career Academy Primary Driving Routes
Recommendations for Walking to and from School
If your child walks to school, walk the route together ahead of time. Point out landmarks on the way. Teach them to wait for traffic lights and the crossing guard, walk rather than run, and cross in crosswalks. If your child rides the bus, talk about crossing in front of the bus only after the driver
tells them it is okay.
It is important to teach and practice safe pedestrian skills with our children as well as provide responsible adult supervision as they travel to and from school. To encourage safety and improve your trip to and from school please follow these recommendations.
Please review the following before your child comes to school.
Your school’s regulations for walking to and from school.
The safest place to cross the street.
What the traffic lights mean.
Who the safety patrol/crossing guards are and what they do to help children.
Where to walk if there is no sidewalk.
The best route to school.
Not to ride with or talk to strangers.
Not to walk between parked cars or buses.
Encourage your child to walk in groups.
Organize responsible adults to accompany the children as they walk to and from school.
Things to remember when you walk:
Be safe! Be seen! Brightly colored clothing makes it easier for drivers to see you during the daytime.
Walk on the sidewalk or a walking path. When there is no sidewalk and you have to walk on the road, be sure to walk facing traffic.
Always walk when crossing, the street, never run across the street to catch a ball or chase a toy, a friend, or a pet.
Darting out in front of a parked car is dangerous. The driver of a car coming down the street cannot see you.
Cross at corners and use crosswalks whenever possible; always stay within the lines of
the crosswalk.Use intersections with signals and pedestrian buttons whenever possible.