
Your Child is Our Priority

Thank you for choosing the Sioux City Community School District for your child’s educational needs.

The Sioux City Community School District exists to educate students to believe in their talents and skills, achieve academic excellence, and succeed in reaching their potential. That is because our teachers and caring staff guide every child to discover a love for learning.

The parent’s section of our website is a gateway to resources and information to help and support Sioux City parents and guardians as your child progresses through school.

Tools for Parents

TalkingPoints Logo

Two-Way Communication for Parents

When a child begins classes in the Sioux City Community School District, parents/guardians may receive text messages from teachers, coaches, and school staff throughout the school year via the District's two-way communication platform, TalkingPoints.

The platform allows parents/guardians to respond via text message and staff will respond back within 24 hours, Monday through Friday, except during holidays or no school days.

Please note, initial text messages from teachers, coaches, or school staff may come from phone numbers with area codes outside of "712." We encourage parents/guardians to save these phone numbers in their contact list so they can reach back out if you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year.

TalkingPoints FAQs

  • TalkingPoints does not require a code to access its app or receive text messages.

  • TalkingPoints uses the primary phone number tied to a child's parent/guardian. If a parent/guardian tries to log into the "FAMILIES | TalkingPoints" app using a different number than the number listed in Infinite Campus, it may request a code. Parents/guardians should confirm the number they are using to log into TalkingPoints is the same as the one listed in Infinite Campus. Parents/guardians can do this by logging into the parent portal.

  • If a parent/guardian had a previous TalkingPoints account but their number has changed in Infinite Campus, they should log out of the "FAMILIES | TalkingPoints" app and then log back in using the primary number that is listed in Infinite Campus.

  • Parents/guardians should contact their child's school if they are not receiving messages through TalkingPoints.

  • Parents/guardians who wish to unsubscribe from TalkingPoints should respond to a message from teachers, coaches, or school staff with the word STOP. Please note, parents will not be re-subscribed to receive messages throughout the school year unless they contact their child's school.

Parents/guardians can also download the "FAMILIES | TalkingPoints" app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store to send and receive messages and view class announcements.

Surveys and Screeners