Kelly Heaton

Kelly Heaton, FACs teacher at North Middle School.

“From the wonderful baked cookie smells to the egg smells that come from Ms. Heaton’s FACs room, students learn that life is more than just reading and writing and that their bodies and choices can be healthy at all times! Ms. Heaton has inspired students to be good citizens, parents, cooks, and consumers while allowing them to be creative and optimistic. She will be missed at North Middle as her class is very popular for all grade levels! Best of luck in the future, Ms. Heaton!“

Deb Wall

Deb Wall, an Access Teacher at North Middle School.

"Deb Wall is a standout professional who shows a true commitment to education. She has a positive impact on both staff members and students. Serving as a reading teacher, science teacher, and access teacher all within recent years, Deb has welcomed at embraced change at North Middle School. In each position Deb has been a true treasure to the teams she dedicated her career to. She is a team player who was welcoming, generous with her time and knowledge, and always willing to help anyone. Congratulations, Deb!"

Jessica Johnson

Jessica Johnson, VBC Teacher at Loess Hills Computer Programming Elementary School.

"If you know Jessy, you love her. She is new to our staff this year, but not new to working with and believing in special needs children. She sees the children as individuals, sees great potential in them, and helps that potential become released. Jessy is passionate about her students and spends time encouraging and assuring the families outside of school hours. She offers ideas for summer programs, and visuals for home and helps get students set up with other programs in the area available to them. As a new program in our district, she has helped VBC get off the ground and succeed to great heights! Along with being a “teacher hen” to six students, she is also a leader for all the paraprofessionals she manages. She knows how to laugh, cry, and keep on going. She never doubts our students, even on the hardest days! Thank you, Jessy, for all you do to help our kids succeed and feel loved in a safe environment. Thank you for teaching by example!"

Mike Morse

Mike Morse, a Special Education Instructional Assistant at Loess Hills Computer Programming Elementary School.

"Mike goes above and beyond for the students in his classroom. There are a lot of behaviors that Mike manages, and Mike maintains a positive attitude day in and day out. He provides support for all the students he works with and makes a difference every day! Thank you, Mike, for everything you do! Loess Hills is lucky to have you!"

Jenna Lee

Jenna Lee, a Counselor at North High School.

"This spring, Jenna was amazing in assisting with the completion of ISASP testing! She was positive about the process with both staff and students. When students came in for makeup testing, she welcomed them and encouraged them to do their best. Of course, ISASP testing takes building-wide effort and many people at North High have worked with her to do great work! We are grateful for Jenna's commitment to the success of North High! Especially as a first year counselor taking a leadership role in helping get ISASP done. Jenna is so upbeat and ready to help! Congrats!"

Bev McCue

Bev McCue, a Paraprofessional at Irving Dual Language Elementary School.

"Irving Dual Language would like to take a moment to express our gratitude and appreciation for Mrs. McCue. She has been an integral part of our school community for many years, and her hard work, positivity, and accommodating nature have had a great impact on both students and teachers alike. Mrs. McCue truly embodies what it means to be a team player, and her inspiring attitude has been contagious among all of us.

As she begins her retirement, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks and well wishes. Though we will miss her presence at Irving Dual Language, we understand that this next chapter of her life is well-deserved and we hope that she enjoys this new phase to the fullest. We also want to remind her that she will always have a place in our hearts and in the Irving community.

Thank you for everything, Mrs. McCue."

Yvon Fitch

Yvon Fitch, an Attendance Specialist at Morningside STEM Elementary School.

"Yvon has been a huge asset to our Morningside STEM family. Yvon comes to work every day with a positive attitude and always has a smile on her face. She has built many strong relationships with our students and staff. She is always willing to help whenever asked. She supports our students in so many amazing ways. There are not enough words to express the amount of gratitude we have for Mrs. Fitch and all she does at Morningside STEM!"

Dave Jensen Certificate

Dave Jensen, a Driver for the Food Service department.

"Congratulations to Dave Jensen for being named Harry Hopkins Food Service building employee of the month. Dave delivers food and supplies regardless of the weather conditions outside to ensure our buildings have what they need. Thanks, Dave, for all you do!"

Sherry Bohlke

Sherry Bohlke, a Special Education Instructional Assistant at East High School.

"Sherry goes above and beyond for all her students. She learns content in her students’ rooms to best assist them, advocates for her kids, and supports students and teachers to ensure their success. She is hardworking, motivating, caring, incredibly kind, always willing to help, and does it all with a smile. She is always where she needs to be and thinks of how others will be affected if she is not here. After working at East High for nine years, she has built great relationships with students and staff and has high standards for all the kids. She is an amazing colleague who is truly deserving of this award. When you need something, you can always count on Sherry to be there with a smile on her face! Congratulations Sherry!"

Nicole Ryan

Nicole Ryan, a Teacher at West High School.

"Ms. Ryan helped with all things ISASP this year. She did a great job of building relationships with all students as well. We appreciate her being Welcoming, Engaged, Safe, and Trustworthy! Congratulations, Ms. Ryan!"

WMS Logo

Melissa Lindquist, a Substitute at West Middle School.

"Melissa Lindquist took on the task of long term substitute FACs teacher this school year. She learned Canvas, the curriculum, and classroom management. We are grateful for her work with our students, and for her consistency in this position!"

Scott Krosch

Scott Krosch, a Counselor at East Middle School.

"Mr. Krosch is dedicated, friendly, and simply a positive contribution to East Middle School. We appreciate all he does to support our seventh graders as they work through challenges and need support with their grades. Most recently, Scott also did an amazing job leading our staff and students with ISASP testing, helping us earn 100% participation. Colleagues sometimes worry about the cumulative amount of times they ask and have joked that they have a "Just Call Scott" button on everything. He is such an asset to our school. Thank you, Mr. Krosch!"

Sadie Bottorff, Mary DeBondt, Marissa Haire, Angie Lopez, Shelby Mosier, Stacey Parker, Michelle Coon

Sadie Bottorff, Mary DeBondt, Marissa Haire, Angie Lopez, Shelby Mosier, Stacey Parker, Michelle Coon, Instructional Assistants at Riverside Elementary School.

"The instructional assistants in the foundation classrooms at Riverside are top-notch. They work very hard every day to provide the accommodations and support our students need in order to be successful at school. They would do anything thing for these students and the teachers they support. Riverside could not function without them and all their hard work. Thank you for all you do! You are awesome!"

Baylee Stodola

Baylee Stodola, a Second Grade Teacher at Hunt A+ Arts Elementary School.

"Ms. Stodola has been a great addition to Hunt A+ Arts Elementary School! She is an extremely hard worker who goes above and beyond for all the students in her classroom. She is a great team player who helps when needed and she works well with all students, staff, and families. She has had an excellent first year of teaching. We are very lucky to have her at Hunt!"

Rhea Greer

Rhea Greer, a Permanent Substitute teacher at Bryant Elementary School.

"Ms. Greer is always around when you need her. Her position changes every single day and sometimes multiple times within a day based on our building needs. Ms. Greer has had interactions with every student in the building and is always ready to support whenever the need arises. She is positive and enjoys building connections with our students. We have been lucky to have her at Bryant the last two years!"