The Sioux City Community School District promotes students' health, well-being, and ability to learn. As required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids (HHKA) Act of 2010, an assessment of the District's wellness policy is conducted at least once every three years by a wellness committee. The committee, which meets monthly, is made up of District staff, students, and community members. A summary of the District's triennial assessment is available below. The District's wellness policy (BP 507.9) is communicated to district families in the Parent-Student Handbook at the beginning of the school year.

Individuals interested in joining the District's wellness committee may contact the District's district wellness leader for more information. The committee meets annually to review the District's current wellness-related policies and practices.

LEA (Local Education Agency) Name: Sioux City Community School District

Date Triennial Assessment was Completed: December 18, 2024

Date of Last Wellness Policy Review: March 15, 2022

Compliance with the Wellness Policy

As part of the triennial assessment, the wellness committee reviews the District's wellness policy (BP 507.9 and AR 507.9) and procedures to ensure they include the following:

  • Specific goals for nutrition promotion and education

  • Specific goals for physical activity

  • Specific goals for other school-based activities that promote student wellness

  • Standards and nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages sold to students before, during and 30 minutes after the school day

  • Standards for all foods and beverages provided, but not sold, to students during the school day (classroom parties, classroom snacks brought by parents, incentives, etc.)

  • Policies for food and beverage marketing that allow marketing and advertising of only those foods and beverages that meet the Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards

  • Description of public involvement, public updates, policy leadership, and evaluation plan

2024 School Wellness Committee Members

Jim Vanderloo, Director of Secondary Education, SCCSD (District Wellness Leader)

Rich Luze, Food Service Director, SCCSD

Anita Treglia Foster, Field Operations Manager, SCCSD

Jerry Peterson, Chesterman Company

Tim Paul, Director of Operations & Maintenance, SCCSD

Gabe Hoogers, Assistant Principal/Activities Director, West High School

BJ Koch, Assistant Principal/Activities Director, East High School

Leslie Heying, Director of Communications, SCCSD

Shawn Meth, Assistant Principal/Activities Director, North High School

Simret Kifle, Student

Kevin Grieme, Siouxland District Health Department

Comparison to Model School Wellness Policies

The wellness committee compares the District's policy with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation Model Policy, which is considered a best practice guide, to identify areas where the District's policy language is comparable to the model policy and potential areas that can be strengthened.

Areas with Similar Language

Potential Areas to Strengthen Language

  • Meals and snacks offered meet USDA Smart Snacks guidelines.

  • Students have opportunities to be physically active before, during, and after school.

  • The District provides students with physical education, using age-appropriate, sequential physical education curriculum consistent with national and state standards for physical education.

  • Districts will assign wellness coordinators at the building level.

  • Consistently allow water bottles throughout schools.

  • Include guidance in school newsletters at beginning of the year regarding treats and snacks in the buildings.

  • District will promote access to physical activities before and after school.

Progress Towards Goals: Local Wellness Policy Progress Report

District Wellness Policy Goals

Contact Person


Steps that have been taken to implement the goal and challenges of implementation

Next steps that will be taken to fully implement and/or expand on the goal.

Nutrition Education and Promotion Goals

Nutrition education is offered at grade level as part of a sequential, comprehensive, standards-based program designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote and protect their health.

Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Partially in place

Every high school student is required to complete CPR certification by the end of grade 12.

Middle school students are taught nutrition as part of health and physical education.

Continue implementation and education

Physical Activity Goals

Schools provide students with age and grade appropriate opportunities in physical education

PE teachers

Fully in place

Physical education is offered at every grade level

Continue implementation and education

Other School Based Activities Goals

Seek opportunities to implement other school-based activities that promote student wellness

Activity Directors

Partially in place

Working with student councils to plan and implement more intentional events focused on student wellness

Continue implementation and education

Standards and Nutrition Guidelines for All Foods and Beverages Sold to Students During the School Day

Vending machines and school stores meet Smart Snacks guidelines

Activity Directors

Fully in place

Continue current process

Standards for All Foods and Beverages Provided (not sold) to Students During the School Day

Consistent communication and guidelines for all schools regarding food and beverages provided for classroom parties, rewards, etc.

Building Administrators

Partially in place

Consistent communication to buildings and families regarding guidelines and expectations

Need further follow up and monitoring in each building through education and routine checks

Policies for Food and Beverage Marketing

Only allow marketing and advertising of foods and beverages that meet the Smart Snacks guidelines including food and beverages in the food service program and vending machines

Food Service Director | Activity Directors

Fully in place

This type of advertising is not used in buildings

Continue with current practices and procedures