Application Process
To be eligible for consideration, a transfer request must be based on one of the reasons listed below:
To accommodate childcare and transportation arrangements for students in grades TK-5.
For bona fide health or safety reasons.
To ensure the continuation of education through a particular attendance center.
To enable younger siblings to attend the same secondary feeder system (when both students will be at the same secondary feeder system in the same year).
Upon an administration-initiated recommendation.
To participate in an elementary specialty school program.
To select grandfathered status after a boundary change where the Board has allowed for that option.
For transfer applications based on childcare and health/safety, the following evidence
is expected to be provided:
Child Care
The name, address, and phone number of the childcare provider, who/which must be located in the boundary of the Attendance Center Requested,
confirmation that the child is enrolled in grades TK-5, and
written permission for the District to consult directly with said provider.
Medical records, reports, tests, or other objective evidence from a qualified health care provider who may be, depending on the situation, a physician, school nurse, or other licensed professional, which should include specific reasons why the Attendance Center Requested can provide a significantly healthier environment for the student, or
police reports, incident reports, counseling records, or other objective evidence from a professional who may be, depending on the situation, a law enforcement officer, a school counselor or other licensed school professional, a school nurse, or other licensed health care professional, which should include specific reasons why the Attendance Center Requested can provide a significantly safer environment for the student, and
in either event, evidence of the provision of this evidence to the Building Administrator of the Attendance Center of Residence and his/her input regarding the claim of a significantly healthier/safer environment elsewhere.
Additional Transfer Information
Elementary Voluntary School Transfer Information
Transfers will be granted based on class sizes remaining within board-established class size parameters.
Students who are provided transfers into an elementary school are NOT guaranteed any subsequent junior high transfers.
If a transfer application is approved at the elementary level, the student will be granted a permit which will allow them to remain in the new elementary attendance center through fifth grade, unless the permit is revoked.
If a transfer application is approved after the start of the school year due to a change of address, the student will be granted a permit which will allow them to remain in the new elementary attendance center through fifth grade, unless the permit is revoked.
The transfer application is not intended for families who are homeless. Please contact the ESC for additional services.
Secondary Voluntary School Transfer Information
Transfer requests are required at both the junior high school and high school levels. Students who have been provided elementary school level transfers are NOT guaranteed any subsequent junior high school transfers.
Students who have been provided junior high school level transfers are NOT guaranteed any subsequent high school transfers.
If a transfer application is approved at the middle school level, the student will be granted a permit which will allow them to remain in the new middle school attendance center through eigth grade, unless the permit is revoked.
If a transfer application is approved after the start of the school year due to a change of address, the student will be granted a permit which will allow them to remain in the new middle school attendance center through eigth grade, unless the permit is revoked.
If a transfer application is approved at the high school level, the student will be granted a permit which will allow them to remain in the new high school attendance center through twelfth grade, unless the permit is revoked.
If a transfer application is approved after the start of the school year due to a change of address, the student will be granted a permit which will allow them to remain in the new high school attendance center through twelfth grade, unless the permit is revoked.
The transfer application is not intended for families who are homeless. Please contact the ESC for additional services.
All Voluntary Transfers are Subject to Cancellation Upon:
Changes to boundaries/attendance areas
Changes to District transfer policies
Verification that transfer request information provided was inaccurate or incomplete
Failure of the student to maintain adequate attendance and/or behavior patterns
Change in student transportation needs
A student may also choose to terminate the transfer permit and return to their attendance center of residence.
Students Receiving Special Services
If a student in your family has been placed at a school that is not your designated home attendance area school due to Special Education, English Language Learner (ELL) programs, or for 504 Plan purposes, their siblings may also attend that placement school. Once the placed student is no longer assigned to the attendance center for the above special services, all family members must return to their home attendance center.
When a student receiving Special Education services or student receiving services under Section 504 transfers schools, the building principal/designee will call a meeting of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team or 504 building level team, and, in consultation with parents, will review the student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan prior to enrollment at the beginning of a new school year or within 5 days of enrollment if the school year has already begun.
For additional information regarding voluntary transfers, refer to Board Policy 501.8 – Within-District Transfers.