Code Number: 121
Tobacco and nicotine use is prohibited in District facilities, on District grounds, and in District vehicles. The use of nicotine products that are not FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved for tobacco cessation are also prohibited by this policy. This requirement extends to students, employees, and visitors. This policy applies at all times, including school-sponsored and nonschool-sponsored events. Persons failing to abide by this policy will be required to extinguish their smoking material, dispose of the tobacco/nicotine product, or other product, or leave the District premises immediately. It is the responsibility of the administration to enforce this policy.
[Related Board Policies and Administrative Regulations: Board Polices 405.12 and 504.15; Administrative Regulation AR504.15; Sioux City Community School District Student Code K-12 Discipline, Expectations and Enforcement Guidelines and The Sioux City Community School District Extra-Curricular/Co-Curricular Code of Conduct.]