Accessibility Options
We’ve done our best to create as accessible a site as possible with siouxcityschools.org. Following the guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium and Section 508, Siouxcityschools.org should be useable by anyone, with or without disabilities.
With that in mind, this guide will help you use this website (and others as well) with as much ease as possible. Below you will find links to built in accessibility options for different operating systems, browsers, and devices. Following these links will give you information on how to adjust your settings to change colors or font sizes or even access text-to-speech options.
Microsoft Operating Systems
If you are on a laptop or desktop computer running a Microsoft Operating system, your options are below. You can find which operating system you are running by going to the Start menu, then selecting “Computer” and then “Properties.”
Apple Operating Systems
If you are on an Apple laptop or desktop computer, your options are below. Apple provides information about specific disabilities while using their OS X operating system with a vision, hearing, physical or learning disability. Just click the link below and choose your options.
Your browser is the application you use to access the internet on your computer. Choose your browser below to learn how to make it more accessible.
Mobile Devices
Mobile devices are becoming more and more accessible. Find links below to information on how to access the best accessibility features on your mobile device.
Opening PDF or DOC files
You will find some links to PDF or Word DOC files on this site. In order to open these files you will need to have Adobe Reader or Microsoft Word Viewer installed.
Reporting Accessibility Issues
If you are using assistive technology and having problems accessing Siouxcityschools.org or its content, please contact the Sioux City Community School District Communications Department at communications@live.siouxcityschools.com or 712.224.7471. Every effort will be made to correct the issue and/or provide you with the information you are seeking in an alternative format until the issue can be remedied. Information on the District’s anti-discrimination and harassment policy is detailed in Board Policy 103.