Code Number: 603.10
Selection of Instructional Materials
The Board has sole discretion to approve instructional materials for the District. Subject to all applicable laws, Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, including but not limited to District purchasing policies, the Board hereby delegates to the Superintendent or his/her designee, authority to determine which instructional materials, other than textbooks, will be utilized by the District to implement the curricula approved by the Board pursuant to Board Policy 602.8. In the case of textbooks, the Board will make the final decision after receiving a recommendation from the Superintendent or his/her designee pursuant to the procedures set forth in Board Policy 602.8 Curriculum Review, Development, and Assessment.
In reviewing current instructional materials for continued use and in selecting additional instructional materials, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall consider the current and future needs of the District, as well as the changes and trends in education and society.
Gifts: Educational materials given to the District must meet the criteria for selection of instructional materials referenced in Board Policy 602.8 Curriculum Review, Development, and Assessment and Board Policy 805 Gifts to the District.
Inspection of Instructional Materials
Parents, guardians, and other residents of the District community may view instructional materials used by students. All instructional materials, including teacher’s manuals, digital resources, video clips, instructional software, and other supplementary instructional materials, which will be used in connection with any survey, analysis, or evaluation as part of any federally funded program or project must be available for inspection by the parents and guardians of District students involved in such program or project. The materials must be reviewed at the school or other District premises.
Inspection of Instructional Materials
Parents or guardians of students enrolled in the District may object to the instructional materials utilized in the District and ask that their use be reconsidered. It is the responsibility of the Superintendent or his/her designee to develop administrative regulations for reconsideration of instructional materials. Information related to the process for reconsideration of instructional materials will be made available on the District’s website.
Parents or guardians of students enrolled in the District may request that their student not be able to access certain instructional materials. Parents wishing to make such a request must submit their request in writing to the Superintendent on Form 603.10-E Request to Prohibit a Student from Accessing Specific Instructional Materials.
For purposes of objecting to or restricting access to instructional materials under this policy, “instructional materials” shall mean either printed or electronic textbooks and related core materials that are written and published primarily for use in elementary and secondary school instruction and are required by a state educational agency or local educational agency for use by students in the student’s classes by the teacher of record.