Fever or chills
Sore throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Muscle or body aches

The Sioux City Community School District has implemented protocols and practices to promote the health and safety of our students, staff, and community.
When Students/Staff Should Remain Home
Students and staff should remain home when experiencing symptoms of an illness. Please call your student’s school to report an absence due to illness.
Students and staff should remain home:
During the first 24 hours of antibiotic treatment for an alternative illness (strep throat, etc.)
When experiencing undiagnosed, new, and/or untreated rash or skin conditions
If questionable or undiagnosed pink eye appears
When diagnosed with COVID-19 or influenza
Students and staff must be 24 hours fever free, without fever-reducing medication, before returning to school or work.
With a fever of 100.4 or higher
During the first 24 hours after vomiting or diarrhea
Know The Difference
Many seasonal illnesses have similar symptoms, and it can be difficult to tell the difference based on symptoms alone. Please see a doctor for testing and treatment if your child becomes ill.
Common Symptoms of the Flu
Common Symptoms of COVID-19
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
Common Symptoms of Strep
Sore throat
Pain when swallowing
Red and swollen tonsils
Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
Common Symptoms of RSV
Runny nose
Decrease in appetite
Difficulty breathing
When Students Exhibit Illness Symptoms at School
If a student becomes sick at school they will be moved to the nurse’s office. The student’s parent/guardian will be contacted.
Academic Instruction During Absence Due to Illness
The Sioux City Community School District supports students with acute and/or chronic health conditions. Short-term absences will be handled on a case-by-case basis, and instructional materials will be provided for continued learning.
When a Positive COVID-19 Case is Confirmed
The identity of the individual with a COVID-19 positive result is confidential. The individual will not be allowed to return to school or work until they are fever free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medicine).
Close Contacts of a COVID-19 Positive Case
Close contacts of individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 do not need to stay home after exposure, but they should monitor symptoms for 14 days after the exposure.
Students who have been exposed but not tested positive for COVID-19 are not excluded from school activities (including extra-curricular activities) as long as they remain asymptomatic.
Sioux City Community Schools follows CDC guidance. The District will adjust protocols and procedures as guidance changes.