Code Number: 504.15
It is the policy of the District to maintain a drug, alcohol, tobacco, and nicotine-free environment in order to maintain a healthy, safe and effective learning environment. To meet this goal, the District supports a comprehensive program which includes the following components:
Prevention education and modeling that promotes wise choices concerning individual health, and which clearly indicates to students that the use of alcohol and illicit drugs is wrong and harmful.
A school-based support team to provide early identification and intervention for alcohol or drug abuse, and other serious problems which threaten the academic, social, physical, and emotional well-being of the student.
A supportive and caring school environment for students who have been involved with alcohol and/or drugs and for students who are affected by the alcohol and/or drug abuse of others.
An awareness program for District personnel on the signs and symptoms of alcohol and drug abuse by students, and the problems students may have as a result of such behaviors, including those within their families, households, and in other relationships.
The prohibition of possession (which includes “under the influence”), use, or distribution of alcohol and drugs (as defined in the current Student Code of Conduct), or possession of drug paraphernalia or contraband, while such a student is on school premises or attending or participating in a school-related activity.
Procedures to report any unlawful use or possession of alcohol or any controlled substance on school premises to local law enforcement.
Cross Reference: Board Policy 121; Student Code of Conduct; High School Activities Code and Middle School Sports Code.
First Adoption:
March 14, 1995
Revision Adoption:
June 12, 2001/ November 23, 2009/ June 11, 2012/ April 14, 2014/ March 13, 2017/ May 9, 2022
Reviewed Dates:
March 15, 2022
Legal Reference:
Iowa Code §§123.46; 124; 142D; 279.8, .9; 453A
281 I.A.C. 12.3(6); .5(3)(e), .5(4)(e), .5(5)(e)