Curriculum Resources Fees
Curriculum resources are furnished by the school. These resources include items such as textbooks, digital texts and companion materials, software packages, and other items. There is a set fee for the use of curriculum resources. Fees are $34 for elementary school, $100 for middle school, and $100 for high school.
Curriculum resource fees can be paid through the store on MySchoolBucks.
Full Waiver: A student shall be granted a waiver of fees charged by the District if the student or the student’s family meets the financial eligibility criteria for free meals offered under the Child Nutrition Program, or the Family Investment Program (FIP), or transportation assistance under open enrollment provided under Iowa law, or if the student is in foster care.
Partial waiver: The District shall grant a student either a waiver of all student fees or a partial waiver of student fees if the student or the student’s family meets the financial eligibility criteria for reduced price meals offered under the Child Nutrition Program. A partial waiver shall be based on a sliding scale related to an ability to pay.
Temporary waiver: At the discretion of the District, a student may be granted a temporary waiver of a fee or fees in the event of a temporary financial difficulty in the student’s immediate family. A temporary waiver may be applied for and granted at any time during a school year. The maximum length of a temporary waiver shall be one year.
Curriculum Resources Fines
The fines schedule for lost or severely damaged textbooks is: Year 1 and 2 - full replacement cost, year 3- 3/4 replacement cost, beyond -1/2 replacement cost. The fee structure for student laptop damages or loss: maliciously destroyed or lost laptop - $250, maliciously destroyed or lost power supply - $20, and stolen devices with Police Report - $0. Damaged systems may result in students’ internet access being limited.