New Approved Boundary Map
Community Input
In November 2020, the boundary committee presented three new boundary map options for consideration. Click here to see the message sent to families regarding the boundary considerations.. In November and December 2020, all stakeholder audiences were given a chance to weigh in on the boundary options, through the ThoughtExchange. The ThoughtExchange is no longer open for feedback submissions, but you can view the archived feedback. Below are the boundary options that were proposed.
Guiding Principles for the Boundary Planning Process
The Board will consider the boundary work as part of Focus 2022.
The future boundary should provide even better educational opportunities at each school to ensure an equitable student experience at each school.
Neighbors are influential in how attendance areas are created and accepted by the community.
Future boundaries can anticipate future changes of the neighborhood.
The focus of the boundary process is at the middle school and high school levels.
The boundary proposed should continue to effectively utilize all the available District resources.
Boundary lines that follow natural/manmade boundaries are desired in how attendance areas are created.
Grandfathering/Transfers/Student Options are to be provided by the Board according to Board policy.
Boundary Planning Partner and Purpose
The District has engaged the services of RSP & Associates to guide the boundary process and provide an enrollment analysis, which includes population trends, demographics, enrollment data, and potential growth and development. Their study is grounded in the priorities set forth by the Board of Education and the input we are seeking from the community.
The new boundaries give us an opportunity to balance school sizes and even out enrollment in our secondary schools.