When: November
Where: ISU Woodbury Extension and Outreach Office
Audience: Parents/guardians in Sioux City
Contact: Ellen McIntosh
Email: srsinfo@iastate.edu
Phone: (515) 294-1110
Iowa State University is looking for Iowans to join a 90-minute focus group in the coming months. If you have not used ISU's Extension and Outreach services, we'd like to hear from you! During this discussion, we will talk about the ways you like to find information and learn about new topics online. Your views will help us to improve our online educational resources so we can better serve Iowans. Please join us!
To apply, please call, scan the QR on this postcard, or visit the following web address:
Discussions will take place in mid-November or early December, either online or in your county seat. Participation in this project is voluntary and your identity will remain confidential. Food will be provided for in-person sessions and all participants will receive $40 at the end of the discussion. All county residents who are 18 or older are welcome to apply, so please share this invitation with others in your county!
Questions? Feel free to contact us at srsinfo@iastate.edu or by calling (515) 294-1110